Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Divine Healing-Cum-Testimony

The healing of the invalid man at the pool of Bethesda by our Lord Jesus Christ teaches numerous lessons.I will carefully examine two of those lessons.First,when a person receives healing from God and goes back to the sin that caused the illness,such person will be attacked by a more severe ailment (Jn5:14).Jesus personally admonished the man who had been delivered from the infirmity of 38 years to sin no more lest something terrible will happen to him.This is the scenario when we go for deliverance and afterwards return to our vomit.Those demons that departed will obviously return with dual powers(This is indeed a dangerous venture).That is why we should refuse to negotiate with the devil if he tempts us to sin.Another lesson that can be inferred from the story is that we must share the testimony of any miracle we obtain from God.This makes our healing complete.I should quickly add a shocking discovery that several people find it quite tasking to share testimonies;they feel timid to stand in front of the congregation to share the awesome works of God.We should never be ashamed in God's presence.Let's endeavour to emulate the protagonist of this story who went about proclaiming God's goodness(vs. 14).God loves testimony;it is His food.I pray that God will continually place the grace to obey him in our hearts in Jesus name.

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